Paul told Titus that the church body should obey the gospel, be ready to do good works, not speak evil to others, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to everyone. Realizing we have all sinned and have made mistakes. Now that they are saved, they need to be kind and merciful to others as we witness to those who have not found the joy of Salvation. We need to be examples to the world. Being a Witness as a Christian is very important and needs to be done by, we ourselves living the life of a righteous person in Christ. Do good work always as people see how you live and that is the biggest witness of all.
Paul said to avoid foolish disputes, arguments, and fighting about things we believe, just say the truth and let them deal with their words. Fighting about your belief is unprofitable and useless. If someone refuses the truth after a few times of trying to help them, leave them alone they won’t listen. Don’t waste time arguing with them. Paul closes his teaching to Titus with this; Our people should also be trained to maintain good work, to meet urgent needs, so that they can be successful witnesses for the Gospel.
This is good for all of us to hear and to act on. Being a Christian is not easy, we are watched and criticized for our love of God by the unsaved who do not want to live under God’s rules. The criticized Jesus and they will criticize us. Jesus never stopped loving and doing good. We need to follow Jesus’ example in life.Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world..