This is my story
My first memory was when I was about three years old
It was a time when we lived at a rented farm in a two story house, from here the stories begin!
My next memory click button
My story begins at the age of three.
I remember kneeling at my bedside saying, “Now a lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep if I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take”. This was every night. One morning I ask my mom who God was. She lifted her hands and said He is the One who created everything there is, including you. If you are ever alone and in trouble you call out to God and He will help you. I took this to heart. This statement saved my life!
I went outside that morning and looked at all the things I could see from our porch. I thought, WOW God made all this, the animals, the trees, the sky. At that moment God amazed me. I never lost amazement. I am surprised that I can remember so much about my childhood. I am thankful for this ability. To this day I am not fond of cows, because once we came home from town after getting ice cream cones. When we got home one of the cows had her calf. We all went out to see the calf and I got a bit to close, the cow pulled me under her and tried to stomp me, my dad grabbed me up and all that was hurt was a little skinned place on my ankle. But! The huge thing for me was she smashed my ice cream cone! I laugh now when I think of this.
My next memory is of a day when I was around five, mom took me and my sister to a strip pit where she would go to fish. She loved to fish. We wondered off, I was following my big sister, and she did not realize I was behind her. I decided to wade in the water, all a sudden I was in deep water, and I did not know how to swim. I knew I was drowning. I remembered what my mom told me, so I cried out to God for help. The Holy Spirit told me to jump up and down, so I did. I jumped out of that water. I have tried this since I was a teen, and I could never jump and get out of deep water! That is not all, I warned you some of the miracles I have lived through are hard to believe. Years later when I was sharing this event with our ladies’ group I realized the other part of the miracle. God not only saved me from drowning, but He dried me off as though it never happened! I know this because my mom would have yelled at me for being wet, I went right back to my mom after I got out of the water! Oh! What a Great God I serve! I am alive today because my mom told me if I got in trouble and no one to help call on God. I have been calling on Him ever since.