By Pastor Jerri


I feel very strongly that it was an angel protecting me that day!

When I was around 12 years old, I was waiting for my mom to pick me up after school. She was late so I decided to walk across the street to the park and wait for her there. I was standing by the street so she could see me. There was a patch of clover where I was standing so I started looking for 4 leaf clover. All a sudden I felt this presence so strongly I looked in the direction I felt this presence, but there was no one there. I shrugged it off and kept looking for clovers. I found one and held it up to the sunlight to see it good and I felt that presence again and looked but no one was there. The whole time I was waiting for my mom I kept feeling this presence. I knew about angels and that you can’t always see them. I thought it was a angel but didn’t understand why I was feeling his presence so strongly. Later in life when remembering this event, I fully believe the angel was there protecting me from an evil person seeking to kidnap a child by the school. I believe that person saw an angel which must have looked like my dad. This is why I was not approached by this evil. This is just speculation on my part, but from all the supernatural things I have seen throughout my lifetime it seems the logical reason for the presence there that day. Scripture tells us we have protective angels watching over us. I have had angels help me many times in my life. I did not realize they were angels until after they were gone, like disappeared!